Friday, December 18, 2009

My Digital Drawing Technique

This is how I tend to do my digital drawing in Painter.  It’s pretty much exactly like I would do with paper and charcoal, but I have UNDO!!  Anyways, this drawing isn’t finished.  I got to figure drawing late, so I was limited, and just like any lazy artist, I wait for the face, hair, and the hands until last.  I guess that’s why they are almost never there.  Anyways, here are the steps I go through:

1. First, I block out the forms and make sure my proportions are correct:

2. I create a second layer and keep “pick up underlying color” checked, then first wipe out the image using a blender brush, then lay down lines for form:

3. After that, I start another layer, and wipe the lines down so that they are not so harsh:

4. Once I have that done, I begin blocking in my light and shadow, and tightening up the edges a bit in places.  I like to have some tight edges and some soft:

5. In my last step, I now go through each part, tightening the drawing, adding shadows, core shadows, highlights, etc. :

So like I said, I didn’t finish this drawing, but I think it is a good example of how I work digitally.  Hopefully next time I’ll actually finish it.


pablo pablo said...

very good!

Mazlow said...

I've been looking for an explanation for this effect for some time now. Thank you. Your work is terrific. I look forward to any new updates.
